Monday, December 30, 2013

Classroom News 12/20

Hello Friends!

We had a great week before heading off to enjoy Winter Break! Here's the recap!

Mason was our STAR OF THE WEEK! He did a fabulous job sharing about himself with our class. We really enjoyed all of his pictures!

Social Studies
We took an excellent field trip to the University of Oregon Museum of Natural History. We learned more about the Native people who live here in Oregon, their history, and we got some great ideas for our projects that will be built the first week back from break. 
Please send in supplies with your student for the project starting Monday, January 3rd. 

Thank you to the parent volunteers who came and chaperoned on this trip! I have to say, I was so proud of our students for displaying Billie Spirit the entire time we were there! One of our tour guides even mentioned how bright the students were! I couldn't agree more! Nice job Room 15!

Thank you, also, to our room parents for organizing and throwing a great winter party on Friday! I could tell the students really enjoyed it! Thank you to everyone who donated funds to make it happen! I know I've said it before, but, I really appreciate all the amazing families I get to work with this year.

After break we will start a new math unit and dive right into our reading curriculum again. I'm looking forward to seeing 25 lovely fourth graders again soon! I hope you all had a wonderful break!

Monday: We will begin our Native American projects. Parents are welcome to come help from 1-2pm.

Please turn in reading logs on Monday! Make sure those are filled out for the entire break to help us reach our million minute goal!

1 comment:

  1. I love the first picture of the field trip because Blake A. looks really happy.
